Kavassu Cure-LMC is a membrane forming ready to use, white colour emulsion of specially blended synthetic & parrafin waxes, complying with ASTM C 309-81.An wax based emulsion forming seamless liquid membrane acts as curing compound & separation layer for concrete surfaces.
Concrete is the most versatile construction material and is widely used in a variety of constructions. However, along with correct composition and preparation it is essential to carry out proper curing of concrete in order to realize its advantages. Common method of curing such as, continuously spraying water on concrete surface & ponding etc. are inconvenient and also expensive, evaporation of water from concrete will deprive it of its much needed water for hydration resulting in capillary type pores, lower compressive strengths, chipping off on the surface & development of surface cracks. Liquid membrane forming, concrete curing compound is based on the principle that concrete has enough water for uninterrupted hydration.
Concrete is the most versatile construction material and is widely used in a variety of constructions. However, along with correct composition and preparation it is essential to carry out proper curing of concrete in order to realize its advantages. Common method of curing such as, continuously spraying water on concrete surface & ponding etc. are inconvenient and also expensive, evaporation of water from concrete will deprive it of its much needed water for hydration resulting in capillary type pores, lower compressive strengths, chipping off on the surface & development of surface cracks. Liquid membrane forming, concrete curing compound is based on the principle that concrete has enough water for uninterrupted hydration.
The principal of curing is to prevent the evaporation of the capillary water in the concrete so that sufficient water is available for complete hydration of the concrete in the councils and there by avoids the surface dusting and plastic shrinkages. The ideal curing technique should begin as soon as possible after the casting of concrete. Earlier curing compound is processed by emulsifying slack wax but Kavassu Cure-LMC is an wax emulsion blended with non crystalline paraffin & synthetic waxes with much higher solid contents & wetting agents then other curing compounds to form a non-shrink seamless membrane. Kavassu Cure-LMC is to be brushed or sprayed on the fresh concrete once or twice, at very initial stages (after initial bleeding stops) which is the critical hardening period of concrete or mortars.
Liquid Curing Membrane For Concrete
- General
Kavassu Cure-LMC is a membrane forming ready to use, white colour emulsion of specially blended synthetic & parrafin waxes, complying with ASTM C 309-81.An wax based emulsion forming seamless liquid membrane acts as curing compound & separation layer for concrete surfaces.
Concrete is the most versatile construction material and is widely used in a variety of constructions. However, along with correct composition and preparation it is essential to carry out proper curing of concrete in order to realize its advantages. Common method of curing such as, continuously spraying water on concrete surface & ponding etc. are inconvenient and also expensive, evaporation of water from concrete will deprive it of its much needed water for hydration resulting in capillary type pores, lower compressive strengths, chipping off on the surface & development of surface cracks. Liquid membrane forming, concrete curing compound is based on the principle that concrete has enough water for uninterrupted hydration.
Concrete is the most versatile construction material and is widely used in a variety of constructions. However, along with correct composition and preparation it is essential to carry out proper curing of concrete in order to realize its advantages. Common method of curing such as, continuously spraying water on concrete surface & ponding etc. are inconvenient and also expensive, evaporation of water from concrete will deprive it of its much needed water for hydration resulting in capillary type pores, lower compressive strengths, chipping off on the surface & development of surface cracks. Liquid membrane forming, concrete curing compound is based on the principle that concrete has enough water for uninterrupted hydration.
The principal of curing is to prevent the evaporation of the capillary water in the concrete so that sufficient water is available for complete hydration of the concrete in the councils and there by avoids the surface dusting and plastic shrinkages. The ideal curing technique should begin as soon as possible after the casting of concrete. Earlier curing compound is processed by emulsifying slack wax but Kavassu Cure-LMC is an wax emulsion blended with non crystalline paraffin & synthetic waxes with much higher solid contents & wetting agents then other curing compounds to form a non-shrink seamless membrane. Kavassu Cure-LMC is to be brushed or sprayed on the fresh concrete once or twice, at very initial stages (after initial bleeding stops) which is the critical hardening period of concrete or mortars.
Kavassu Cure-LMC
Kavassu Cure-LMC is a kind of heavy duty curing compound which forms a seamless film on the surface of the freshly cast concretes and mortars, which arrests the evaporation of water from the capillaries and prevents quick drying of concrete thereby avoiding cracks & enabling the concrete to hydrate efficiently. It does not affect the setting process of concrete. Kavassu Cure-LMC is physiologically harmless and does not contain any constituents that would affect the concrete. Kavassu Cure-LMC white pigmented curing comp-ound aids in reflection of UV Rays as well as aids the quality control at site to ascertain that the full area is covered on account of its white colour. It is very suitable for areas directly exposed to extreme sunlight and wind. Kavassu Cure-LMC avoids the formation of shrinkage cracks and similar damages in concrete resulting from rapid and premature hardening. The spraying of Kavassu Cure-LMC on freshly placed concrete is very economical and it prevents the dama- ges in the concrete likely to be introduced through the rapid and untimely evap- oration of water in the fresh concrete. Kavassu Cure-LMC is that it does not adhesion to subsequent plaster, mortar etc., In fact due to inherent characte- ristics of wax emulsion the bonding is substantly decreased and forms a separation layer between two concretes i.e After a layer of DLC concrete one immediate coat of Kavassu Cure-LMC should be sprayed when initial bleed stops. Before placing next layer of concrete one more coat of Kavassu Cure-LMC compound is recommended so that a seamless independent liquid mem- brane is formed & will work as separation layer between DLC & PQC concrete.
National Award Winner
Kavassu Cure-LMC is wax emulsion and therefore it is necessary to shake the containers thoroughly before use. Kavassu Cure-LMC should be applied as soon as possible after the disappearance of water sheen from the surface. Allow time gap for evaporation of the bleed water. The time period is preferable within about half an hour depending upon the temperatures. If the concrete has already lost some of its surface water than it is recommended to fog down the surface before application of Kavassu Cure-LMCfor curing of concrete which is retained in formworks, the concrete should be wetted thoroughly after opening the shuttering and then Kavassu Cure-LMC should be sprayed or brushed.
Kavassu Cure-LMC is a versatile product which is especially formulated to give separation layer in Concrete surfaces to prevent cracks in slab surfaces & can be used everywhere, where an efficient curing is required. For application on freshly cast concrete or newly exposed concrete surface after removal of frame work, to form a temporary membrane which will retain sufficient moisture for effective curing to take place. The membrane eventually breaks down and dis- integrates after which the surface can be painted. It is used for concreting generally, but especially useful for large areas of concrete such as pavements, runways, bridge decks and industrial floors also for vertical or slopping surface as on chimneys, towers, silos, canal lining, columns and beams where water curing is difficult or unreliable.
Low-pressure spray, roller equipment most preferred & generally used is a knap sack sprayer of the type commonly used in horticulture or pest control while spraying, the distance between the sprayer and the concrete surface should be approximately 1meter. Thus a uniform coating is guaranteed. It should be made sure that the spraying is properly carried out. Immediately after useing the equipment should be cleaned out thoroughly with fresh water. Kavassu Curex has a shelf life of minimum 12 months when stored at ambient temperature. Container should be kept airtight to prevent surface evaporation.
Concrete surface shall be cured by a liquid membrane material conforming to ASTM C 309-1981. Kavassu Cure-LMC is to be applied strictly in accordance with manufacturer’s instruction.
Single layer application forms impermeable membrane as seperation layer. Single application forms moisture barrier for whole of curing period.
No other curing necessary eliminates using of water, Hessian or sand completely. Reliable no risk erratic or poor curing and ensures cement hydration efficiently.
Increase strength gives rise about 12-15% higher strength than water-cured concrete. Ensures hard wearing surface minimizes risk of shrinkage, cracks & dusty surface.
Protection against burning of the fresh concrete surface, which is exposed to strong solar radiation, further protects concrete surface against influence of aggressive atmospheric conditions.
Easy and safe application, non-toxic and non-inflammable & eco-friendly.
If stored in dry, in unopened containers a shelf life of approximately 12 months could be expected. Prolonged exposure to direct heat or direct sunlight must also be avoided. For best results use before 6 months.
Temperature : May be applied in between 50C – 550C
Specific Gravity : 1.02 – 1.04
Health & Safety : If swallowed seek medical advice.
Coverage / Dosage : 200- 250 Ml/Sqm (approx)
Drying Time : Approx.two hours in sunny day.
Protocol For Testing : ASTM C-309-1981
Quality Assurance : As per ISO-9001Certification.
Packaging : 20 & 220 liters drums.
- Application
Kavassu Cure-LMC is wax emulsion and therefore it is necessary to shake the containers thoroughly before use. Kavassu Cure-LMC should be applied as soon as possible after the disappearance of water sheen from the surface. Allow time gap for evaporation of the bleed water. The time period is preferable within about half an hour depending upon the temperatures. If the concrete has already lost some of its surface water than it is recommended to fog down the surface before application of Kavassu Cure-LMCfor curing of concrete which is retained in formworks, the concrete should be wetted thoroughly after opening the shuttering and then Kavassu Cure-LMC should be sprayed or brushed.
- Uses
Kavassu Cure-LMC is a versatile product which is especially formulated to give separation layer in Concrete surfaces to prevent cracks in slab surfaces & can be used everywhere, where an efficient curing is required. For application on freshly cast concrete or newly exposed concrete surface after removal of frame work, to form a temporary membrane which will retain sufficient moisture for effective curing to take place. The membrane eventually breaks down and dis- integrates after which the surface can be painted. It is used for concreting generally, but especially useful for large areas of concrete such as pavements, runways, bridge decks and industrial floors also for vertical or slopping surface as on chimneys, towers, silos, canal lining, columns and beams where water curing is difficult or unreliable.
- Application Equipment
Low-pressure spray, roller equipment most preferred & generally used is a knap sack sprayer of the type commonly used in horticulture or pest control while spraying, the distance between the sprayer and the concrete surface should be approximately 1meter. Thus a uniform coating is guaranteed. It should be made sure that the spraying is properly carried out. Immediately after useing the equipment should be cleaned out thoroughly with fresh water. Kavassu Curex has a shelf life of minimum 12 months when stored at ambient temperature. Container should be kept airtight to prevent surface evaporation.
- Specification
Concrete surface shall be cured by a liquid membrane material conforming to ASTM C 309-1981. Kavassu Cure-LMC is to be applied strictly in accordance with manufacturer’s instruction.
- Advantages
Single layer application forms impermeable membrane as seperation layer. Single application forms moisture barrier for whole of curing period.
No other curing necessary eliminates using of water, Hessian or sand completely. Reliable no risk erratic or poor curing and ensures cement hydration efficiently.
Increase strength gives rise about 12-15% higher strength than water-cured concrete. Ensures hard wearing surface minimizes risk of shrinkage, cracks & dusty surface.
Protection against burning of the fresh concrete surface, which is exposed to strong solar radiation, further protects concrete surface against influence of aggressive atmospheric conditions.
Easy and safe application, non-toxic and non-inflammable & eco-friendly.
- Storage
If stored in dry, in unopened containers a shelf life of approximately 12 months could be expected. Prolonged exposure to direct heat or direct sunlight must also be avoided. For best results use before 6 months.
Temperature : May be applied in between 50C – 550C
Specific Gravity : 1.02 – 1.04
Health & Safety : If swallowed seek medical advice.
Coverage / Dosage : 200- 250 Ml/Sqm (approx)
Drying Time : Approx.two hours in sunny day.
Protocol For Testing : ASTM C-309-1981
Quality Assurance : As per ISO-9001Certification.
Packaging : 20 & 220 liters drums.
What Clients Say
The Performance Of “SHALIMAR’S KAVASSU CRYSTALLOMIX-PG/PGS (CRYSTALLINE ADMIXTURE) in our Six Lane Of Davangree Haveri Road Project found Good With 12-13% More Strength.
Rainsta Patch
Shalimar’s Kavassu Rainsta patch filler used in Hyderabad-Karimnagar-Ramagundam Road Project (HRK), SH-1 performed well and found very good.
Shalimar’s Kavassu Curex used in Construction of 4/6 Lanning of Pune –Satara Toll Road Project- Package-3 found excellent.
Shalimar’s Kavassu Plast SP-431(Admixture) Used in construction of Nehru Outer Ring Road Expressway,Hyderabad in the state of Andhra Pradesh,India found very good.