SHALIMAR G-50 (P) should be used for the preparation of watertight concretes employed in the construction of water retaining structures, sanitary rooms, constructions, in humid atmospheric conditions, concrete roofs, basements, tunnels, tanks, swimming pools etc It is highly effective in Screening Chambers, Sewerage tanks, Sewers, Shafts, Basement, Bathing pools, Reservoirs, Retaining Walls, Raft-foundation Terraces, Paper Mills, Jute Mills, Cotton Mill’s Godown, Tea Garden Drying-yard, Heating Chambers, Water-towers, Culverts, Flat roofs, Dams, Conduits Floors, Walls, Tunnels Locks, Docks etc..
Plaster: The Mortar should be prepared by Sand SHALIMAR CEMENT ADMIXTURE G-50 (P) & Cement should be accurately measured Mix 1 Kg.(one pkt.) powder to 50 kg of the Cement) & water will be added as require then mixed until uniformity of colour is obtained. The exposed surface should be cleaned by iron brush & Water. While plastering care should be taken that the mortar as applied with as much pressure as can be exerted & the thickness of the plaster should not be less than 12mm.Concrete: The course material for the concrete should be clean stone chips & well graded from 2cm (3/4 inch) down to (1/4 inch). The sand should be absolutely clean & sharp. Under no circumstances should sea sand or sea gravel be used unless it is washed, until all traces of salt are removed. Only slow setting cement confirming to Indian standard specification should be used & it should be fresh & free from lumps. Cement concrete for normal use consists of 4 parts of stone chips. 2 parts of sand & 1 part of cement by volume & water will be added as required. SHALIMAR CEMENT ADMIXTURE G- 50 (P) is proportioned to the cement content of the concrete in the proportion of 2 Kg SHALIMAR CEMENT
ADMIXTURE G- 50 powder to 100 Kg of cement. The concrete should be mixed by a suitable machine mixer where ever possible if not then the cement should measured by 2 present by weight of cement.
Curing: Exposed surface of plaster shall be kept continuously in damp or wet condition be spray of clean water through tulu pump or manually & kept constantly wet for at least 21 days from the date of placing of plaster for better performance & excellent results.
- Description
- SHALIMAR G-50 (P) is integral waterproofing for concrete with good plasticizing properties. It does not contain any chloride and can also be used as an admixture for precast concrete. The admixture of SHALIMAR G-50 (P) in the concrete brings about contraction of capillaries thereby rendering the concrete dense and waterproof. SHALIMAR G-50 (P) is suitable for usage in production of waterpro of concrete in a accordance with DIN 1048 (German industrial standard no.1048)and similar relevant standards. It conforms with IS: 2645 2003.SHALIMAR CEMENT ADMIXTURE G- 50 (P) is a powder, which is used as an ingredient with cement concrete work water proof, damp-proof, free from corrosive action of salt water. It does not affect the setting of cement sweating; efflorescence and growth of fungi are also prevented AS PER is: 2645 2003. This grade is used with cement as an antidote to saltpeter on buildings at the time of brickwork and plastering and can be effectively utilized in all sorts of constructions exposed to damp low or gas including fumes. SHALIMAR G-50 (P) brings about contraction of capillary pores & increases density of concrete rendering the concrete optimally watertight. The addition of SHALIMAR G-50 (P) in the concrete result in formation of homogeneous & evenly distribute cement binder which efficients binding of aggregates. The homogeneous cement gel prevents the likely settlement of heavy coarse aggregates and checks the phenomenon of bleeding in fresh concrete.
- Uses
SHALIMAR G-50 (P) should be used for the preparation of watertight concretes employed in the construction of water retaining structures, sanitary rooms, constructions, in humid atmospheric conditions, concrete roofs, basements, tunnels, tanks, swimming pools etc It is highly effective in Screening Chambers, Sewerage tanks, Sewers, Shafts, Basement, Bathing pools, Reservoirs, Retaining Walls, Raft-foundation Terraces, Paper Mills, Jute Mills, Cotton Mill’s Godown, Tea Garden Drying-yard, Heating Chambers, Water-towers, Culverts, Flat roofs, Dams, Conduits Floors, Walls, Tunnels Locks, Docks etc..
- Instruction For Use
Plaster: The Mortar should be prepared by Sand SHALIMAR CEMENT ADMIXTURE G-50 (P) & Cement should be accurately measured Mix 1 Kg.(one pkt.) powder to 50 kg of the Cement) & water will be added as require then mixed until uniformity of colour is obtained. The exposed surface should be cleaned by iron brush & Water. While plastering care should be taken that the mortar as applied with as much pressure as can be exerted & the thickness of the plaster should not be less than 12mm.Concrete: The course material for the concrete should be clean stone chips & well graded from 2cm (3/4 inch) down to (1/4 inch). The sand should be absolutely clean & sharp. Under no circumstances should sea sand or sea gravel be used unless it is washed, until all traces of salt are removed. Only slow setting cement confirming to Indian standard specification should be used & it should be fresh & free from lumps. Cement concrete for normal use consists of 4 parts of stone chips. 2 parts of sand & 1 part of cement by volume & water will be added as required. SHALIMAR CEMENT ADMIXTURE G- 50 (P) is proportioned to the cement content of the concrete in the proportion of 2 Kg SHALIMAR CEMENT
ADMIXTURE G- 50 powder to 100 Kg of cement. The concrete should be mixed by a suitable machine mixer where ever possible if not then the cement should measured by 2 present by weight of cement.
Curing: Exposed surface of plaster shall be kept continuously in damp or wet condition be spray of clean water through tulu pump or manually & kept constantly wet for at least 21 days from the date of placing of plaster for better performance & excellent results.
National Award Winner
30 Kg sachets per bag.
ISI MARKED For IS: 2645 2003 vide CM/L8981611
As per ISO 9001: 2008
Type of admixture: waterproofing compound
Form : Powder
Dosage : 1 Kg. per Bag of Cement.
Packing : 1Kg. (30 sachets per bag).
Storage : In original sealed woven sacs protected from sunlight & frost.
One year
- Packaging
30 Kg sachets per bag.
- Environmental Hazard
- Testing Protocol
ISI MARKED For IS: 2645 2003 vide CM/L8981611
- Quality Assurance
As per ISO 9001: 2008
- Technical Data
Type of admixture: waterproofing compound
Form : Powder
Dosage : 1 Kg. per Bag of Cement.
Packing : 1Kg. (30 sachets per bag).
Storage : In original sealed woven sacs protected from sunlight & frost.- Shelf Life
One year
What Clients Say
The Performance Of “SHALIMAR’S KAVASSU CRYSTALLOMIX-PG/PGS (CRYSTALLINE ADMIXTURE) in our Six Lane Of Davangree Haveri Road Project found Good With 12-13% More Strength.
Rainsta Patch
Shalimar’s Kavassu Rainsta patch filler used in Hyderabad-Karimnagar-Ramagundam Road Project (HRK), SH-1 performed well and found very good.
Shalimar’s Kavassu Curex used in Construction of 4/6 Lanning of Pune –Satara Toll Road Project- Package-3 found excellent.
Shalimar’s Kavassu Plast SP-431(Admixture) Used in construction of Nehru Outer Ring Road Expressway,Hyderabad in the state of Andhra Pradesh,India found very good.