Cationic Bitumen Emulsion For Prime Coating

KAVASSU CATIONIC BITUMEN EMULSION is being manufactured with the latest technical Know How and in the most modern imported colloid mill. The technical Know How has been taken from the associates of the manufacturer of the colloid Mill who have been successfully manufacturing and applying Bitumen Emulsions for various end uses since 50 years and are pioneers in the field.Cationic Bitumen Emulsions are a mixture of Bitumen solution consisting of a controlled level of solvents, acids, water & stabilisers. Cationic Emulsions have largely displaced what is known as Anionic Emulsions because of their better overall performance and have virtually eliminated the use of the solvent based products in the more developed countries of the world.We produces Cationic Bitumen Emulsions in a state of the art plant backed by the technology of a world leader in the business. The range of the company’s Emulsions allows for flexibility to suit a wide array of paving applications for all classes of roads. It can be used as an effective complement to Hot Mix Asphalt applications, as well as a stand alone solution to many superficial and subsurface road deficiencies.

KAVASSU ROAD EMULSION SS-1though confirms to IS: 8887 specifications of Bureau of Indian Standards, being manufactured in a highly sophisticated colloid mill is much above in quality and specially designed for Indian roads and type of aggregates with much longer shelf life.

KAVASSU ROAD EMULSION SS-1 belong to the oil in water type emulsions where bitumen is dispersed in water. In these emulsions, the positively charged emulsifier ions orientate themselves to the bitumen droplets. The negatively charged chloride ions attracted to the surface of the droplets by the positive charges and an electric double layer is formed  by the ions in the emulsion. The breaking rate and adhesion of emulsion on acidic & alkaline aggregates is equally excellent.

IRC 16  Prime  coating. IRC 82 Maintenance work.
IRC 96 Two coat surface dressing. IRC 97 Premix carpet.
IRC 100 Single coat surface dressing.

Specifications for Road and Bridge Works Fourth Revision 2001.
508. 2 Two coat surface dressing
509. 2 premix carpet


KAVASSU CATIONIC BITUMEN EMULSION is being manufactured with the latest technical Know How and in the most modern imported colloid mill. The technical Know How has been taken from the associates of the manufacturer of the colloid Mill who have been successfully manufacturing and applying Bitumen Emulsions for various end uses since 50 years and are pioneers in the field.Cationic Bitumen Emulsions are a mixture of Bitumen solution consisting of a controlled level of solvents, acids, water & stabilisers. Cationic Emulsions have largely displaced what is known as Anionic Emulsions because of their better overall performance and have virtually eliminated the use of the solvent based products in the more developed countries of the world.We produces Cationic Bitumen Emulsions in a state of the art plant backed by the technology of a world leader in the business. The range of the company’s Emulsions allows for flexibility to suit a wide array of paving applications for all classes of roads. It can be used as an effective complement to Hot Mix Asphalt applications, as well as a stand alone solution to many superficial and subsurface road deficiencies.

KAVASSU ROAD EMULSION SS-1though confirms to IS: 8887 specifications of Bureau of Indian Standards, being manufactured in a highly sophisticated colloid mill is much above in quality and specially designed for Indian roads and type of aggregates with much longer shelf life.

KAVASSU ROAD EMULSION SS-1 belong to the oil in water type emulsions where bitumen is dispersed in water. In these emulsions, the positively charged emulsifier ions orientate themselves to the bitumen droplets. The negatively charged chloride ions attracted to the surface of the droplets by the positive charges and an electric double layer is formed  by the ions in the emulsion. The breaking rate and adhesion of emulsion on acidic & alkaline aggregates is equally excellent.


IRC 16  Prime  coating. IRC 82 Maintenance work.
IRC 96 Two coat surface dressing. IRC 97 Premix carpet.
IRC 100 Single coat surface dressing.

Specifications for Road and Bridge Works Fourth Revision 2001.
508. 2 Two coat surface dressing
509. 2 premix carpet

Slow Setting - (SS-1)

PRIME COAT : Emulsion is the best binder for prime coating, after cutback, where water dilution enables penetration of binder into surface beneath. While using as prime coat it penetrates in WMM/ GSB surface so deeply and gives bond tight surface for DBM after 24 Hrs. The benefits of Bitumen Emulsions include its ease of use, quality adhesion and durability over other cold mix applications and the availability various emulsions to suit a  specific aggregate and job requirements. Dilute KAVASSU CATIONIC BITUMEN EMULSION SS-1 with 100% water and spray @ 0.5 liter/ Sq.mt on WBM surface. Damp the surface with plain water prior to applying diluted KAVASSU CATIONIC BITUMEN EMULSION SS-1.The slow setting grades are designed for Surface Prime coats. They are used with high fines contents dense – graded aggregates. All slow setting grades have low viscosities that can be further reduced by adding solvent These blends can  be  diluted (up  to 20%) prior to field applications. When diluted, they may also be used for tack coats, prime coats, fog seals, & dust palliatives. The company produces three grades of SS, SS1 and SS2. Many pavements particularly lower traffic pavements are constructed with gravel or granular material. Often roads have been constructed as gravel roads and an upgrade is required. If Emulsions are applied directly to granular pavements, especially high binder content chip seal emulsions or very quick set slurry emulsions they can fail to wet the surface of the pavement creating poor adhesion. A prime coat can over come this. In the past prime coats have been based on cutbacks but EMULSION SS-1 is based on a special emulsion as per IS: 8887 – 2004.

The function of a prime coat is: Coat and bond any loose material. Harden or toughen the surface. Waterproof the base during construction. Plug capillary voids. Provide adhesion between the base and the next course. To be able to do this it must penetrate the surface. A penetration of 1-2cm is usually satisfactory Emulsions are discrete particles dispersed in water with an emulsifier. This emulsifier will often increase surface tension and prevent penetration into capillary void, dilution can help but the particle size of the asphalt particles & the emulsifier holds the key.

National Award Winner
National Award Winner


Clean, preferably washed, properly graded to be used.

The maximum size in gradation should be half the thickness of the compacted layer (e.g. for 20 mm thick carpet the max. Size should be passing 10 mm sieve).


Use mechanical/manual sprayer for spray/grouting applications. Use pug mill/travel plant/mini mixer etc. for premixing.

Use vibratory compactors for pothole filler mixes.

Emulsions are non – flammable. Do not expose to naked flames or other sources of ignition. Containers should be tightly sealed when not in use. In the event of fire, extinguish with Co2 or foam.

KAVASSU ROAD EMULSION SS-1 may cause sensitization by inhalation and skin contact. Wear suitable protective clothing, gloves and eye/face protection. Barrier creams provide additional skin protection. Should accidental skin contact occur, remove skin contact occur, remove immediately with soap & water. Do not use solvent in case of contact with eyes. In case of contact with eyes, rinse immediately with plenty of clean water and seek medical advise. Use only in well ventilated areas.

220 liter drums.


As per ISO 9001 – 2000

Confirms To Is Code: 

IS: 8887- 2004



Clean, preferably washed, properly graded to be used.

The maximum size in gradation should be half the thickness of the compacted layer (e.g. for 20 mm thick carpet the max. Size should be passing 10 mm sieve).


Use mechanical/manual sprayer for spray/grouting applications. Use pug mill/travel plant/mini mixer etc. for premixing.

Use vibratory compactors for pothole filler mixes.

Fire & Safety

Emulsions are non – flammable. Do not expose to naked flames or other sources of ignition. Containers should be tightly sealed when not in use. In the event of fire, extinguish with Co2 or foam.

Health & Safety

KAVASSU ROAD EMULSION SS-1 may cause sensitization by inhalation and skin contact. Wear suitable protective clothing, gloves and eye/face protection. Barrier creams provide additional skin protection. Should accidental skin contact occur, remove skin contact occur, remove immediately with soap & water. Do not use solvent in case of contact with eyes. In case of contact with eyes, rinse immediately with plenty of clean water and seek medical advise. Use only in well ventilated areas.


220 liter drums.

Environmental Hazard


Quality Assurance

As per ISO 9001 – 2000

Confirms To Is Code: 

IS: 8887- 2004



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